I am delighted to announce that from the 11 February to the 21 May 2023, I will be 'in residence' in Botany Bay with a super-sized art exhibition, and an exciting program of education and events.
La Perouse Museum and Randwick Council (NSW) have invited me to exhibit Marine Dream in Botany Bay at The Bayview Gallery as solo exhibition. I will also deliver my innovative creativity and art workshops and as well as engage community through conservation-focused activities.
This exhibition is actually the first professional show by invitation and a 'very big deal' for me.
Exhibition details: Click here
Location: The Bayview Gallery, La Perouse Museum
Address: 1542 Anzac Parade, La Perouse, 2036
Cost: Free Entry
Email: lpm@randwick.nsw.gov.au
Phone: 9093 6190
La Perouse Museum is open on at the following times:
- Wednesdays and Fridays - 10am-2pm
- Saturdays and Sundays - 10am-4pm
Botany Bay's ocean animals will come to life just steps away from the shoreline at the historic La Perouse Museum. It would be a dream to see all of these animals in one dive - hence the inspiration for this expanded exhibition.
The Bayview Gallery windows overlook Botany Bay and out across popular dive spots of Bare Island on the western side and across to Kamay Bay National Park, Kurnell on the eastern shore. It's the perfect location for this show.
As an emerging artist (3 years in), it is an honour to be acknowledged and invited for a solo exhibition. Accepting this opportunity was logical choice.
In true Sue Liu style, I've expanded the activities beyond the gallery space and will be engaging in teaching workshops on creativity via Randwick Library, and teaching my first Illustration and marine discovery workshops alongside my animals in the gallery.
Visitors to the gallery and exhibition will submerge for a virtual dive and discover of some very unusual native Australian marine animals they've never seen before. The feature artwork, Marine Dream in Botany Bay II, is 70% bigger than the original piece and it will hang alongside 50+ original illustrations framed. Some of those works are still being created.
There will also be a conservation display and at times, I'll be bringing a selection of Wildcard-Sue products in an exclusive market. If time, I will also draw live.
So, come along, particularly when I'm 'in residence' (dates are below) and you can also purchase Wildcard-Sue goodies at the same time.
Don't forget to take your free postcard, activity sheet and
sign the guest book!
THANK YOU - and free gifts for everyone!
Randwick City Council - La Perouse Museum, Randwick Libraries and the Environment team for supporting my vision
- Adreno Sydney for sponsoring aspects of my exhibition - the souvenir postcard with $20 discount voucher to the Sydney store.
- Masterprint for printing the free education sheets.
Keep an eye on Facebook/Instagram @wildcardsue for updates.

11-12 February 2023 - Opening Weekend -Artist in the Gallery & Market 10-3pm
Friday 3/Saturday 4/ Sunday 5 March - Artist in the Gallery and Market 10-3pm
Tuesday 7 March - Reignite your Creative Spark talk and workshop* – Lionel Bowen Library 6:30-8pm - Bookings essential via Randwick Library.
Friday 24/Saturday 25/Sunday 26 March - Artist in the Gallery and Market 10-3pm
Saturday 25 March - Observational Illustration workshop* 1-3pm book here - La Perouse Museum
Friday 14/Saturday 15/Sunday 16 April - Artist in the Gallery and Market 10-3pm
Wednesday 19 April - Creative Marine Life Discovery - Marine Coastal Program - 11:30-1:30pm - book here - La Perouse Museum
Friday 19/Saturday 20/ Sunday 21 May - CLOSING WEEKEND -Artist in the Gallery and Market 10-3pm