Studying giant cuttlefish and illustration workshops in Whyalla 24 June - 6 July 2023

Posted by Sue Liu on

The Giant Cuttlefish are breeding in massive numbers off the coast of Whyalla in South Australia. It's a spectacle and my plans to study them while volunteering with Experiencing Marine Sanctuaries - EMS  in 2021 was shut down by Covid. 

Track forward: I'll be heading to Whyalla this year to spend two weeks immersed in all things CUTTLE-ISH, volunteering at CuttleFest for the first week and invited to teach my unique education for the second week. 

In the Whyalla News

You'll be familiar with my slight obsession with the cephalopod and I have drawn a fair few octopus and cuttlefish already. In fact, I have already drawn Whyalla's cuttles via photos from diving friends, and also from my own experiences  and photos of mainly Sydney Cuttlefish varieties. 

I'm curious about how the experience of being in the water with hundreds and thousands of frisky, mating giant cuttlefish will influence my feelings and influence my illustrations of them.  

WORKSHOPS at The Pod at Whyalla Library - 29 June - 6 July 
Whyalla Council have kindly provided their new community space so I can bring my unique observational illustration workshop to CuttleFest. Of course, I'll be bringing my learnings of the week into the workshop and we'll be getting up close and personal with Cuttlefish, and learning how to draw them. 

  • Adults: $69.00
  • Kids under 16: $39.00
 Observational Illustration Workshop – Discover Whyalla’s Giant Cuttlefish

Discover the uniqueness of Whyalla’s Giant Cuttlefish and learn how to draw these magnificent animals with Sue. 

You’ll get up close with the cuttlefish through videos and images taken by Sue and be introduced to observational illustration techniques. These techniques will then help you work on whatever inspires you, and you'll be on your way to developing your own illustration style and art!

This is a fun way to learn! No experience is required! Bring your powers of observation, curiosity about marine animals, and enthusiasm!

Don't miss out on this quality education. 

This workshop is suitable for all people and ages and no experience is needed. Children learn alongside adults. 

  • The minimum age is 6yrs old. All children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult, who is also a participant. 
  • Children's ticket prices apply for participants under 16 years of age
  • Basic art materials will be provided.  

SUPPORTERS: EMS and Whyalla Council

ENJOY WILDCARD-SUE CUTTLES here as prints, stickers, cards and more 

  • Clive 
  • Cuddles
  • Mr Sparkles
  • Rufus


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